We are fall-ing hard for these new books. Who else is glad sweater weather is approaching, along with cozy reading time? Curl up with these twelve new books — from Dani Shapiro’s poignant novel to Molly Yeh’s delectable cookbook, we have a recommendation for you.

Signal Fires by Dani Shapiro

Victorious by Yishai Sarid, translated by Yardenne Greenspan

Before All the World by Moriel Rothman-Zecher

The Oppermanns by Lion Feuchtwanger, translated by Joshua Cohen

Cradles of the Reich by Jennifer Coburn

Bad Jews by Emily Tamkin

Home is Where the Eggs Are by Molly Yeh

A Ballet of Lepers: A Novel and Stories by Leonard Cohen

Thistlefoot by GennaRose Nethercott

The Village Idiot by Steve Stern

On Repentance and Repair: Making Amends in an Unapologetic World by Danya Ruttenberg
Simona is the Jewish Book Council’s managing editor of digital content and marketing. She graduated from Sarah Lawrence College with a concentration in English and History and studied abroad in India and England. Prior to the JBC she worked at Oxford University Press. Her writing has been featured in Lilith, The Normal School, Digging through the Fat, and other publications. She holds an MFA in fiction from The New School.