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Bible & Biblically Inspired Stories Fiction Fiction After Abel and Other Stories Michal Lemberger Fiction Cassandra Misreads the Book of Samuel & Other Untold Tales of the Prophets Gidon Rothstein Fiction David and Bathsheba: Through Nathan's Eyes Joel Cohen Fiction Delilah India Edghill Nonfiction Jezebel: The Untold Story of the Bible's Harlot Queen Lesley Hazleton Nonfiction Ladies and Gentlemen, The Bible! Jonathan Goldstein Poetry Practice Dan Bellm Children's Not the End of the World Geraldine McCaughrean Fiction Rachel and Leah Orson Scott Card Fiction Seven Days to the Sea: An Epic Novel of the Exodus Rebecca Kohn Fiction Sinners and the Sea: The Untold Story of Noah's Wife Rebecca Kanner Children's Storm Donna Jo Napoli Fiction The Book of Samson David Maine Fiction The Garden of Ruth Eva Etzioni-Halevy Fiction The Liars' Gospel Naomi Alderman Nonfiction The Life of David Robert Pinsky Fiction The Red Tent: A Novel Anita Diamant Fiction The Song of Hannah Eva Etzioni-Halevy Scholarship Jewish Text A Literary Bible: An Original Translation David Rosenberg Nonfiction Abraham: The First Historical Biography David Rosenberg Nonfiction Abraham: The World's First (But Certainly Not Last) Jewish Lawyer Alan Dershowitz Nonfiction All the Trees of the Forest: Israel's Woodlands from the Bible to the Present Alon Tal Nonfiction Ancient Israel: The Former Prophets: Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings Robert Alter Poetry And God Said. . . A Brief History of Creation Barbara Leff Visual Arts Arise! Arise! Deborah, Ruth and Hannah Debra Band Nonfiction Beginnings: Reflections on the Bible's Intriguing "Firsts" Meir Shalev; Stuart Schoffman, trans. Nonfiction Biblical Seductions: Six Stories Retold Based on Talmud and Midrash Sandra E. Rapoport Nonfiction But Where Is the Lamb?: Imagining the Story of Abraham and Isaac James Goodman Nonfiction Christ Killers: The Jews and the Passion from the Bible to the Big Screen Jeremy Cohen Nonfiction Covenant and Conversation, A Weekly Reading of the Jewish Bible, Genesis: The Book of Beginnings Chief Rabbi Lord Sacks Nonfiction David and Solomon: In Search of the Bible's Sacred Kings and the Roots of the Western Tradition Israel Finkelstein, Neil Asher Silberman Cookbook Eating the Bible: Over 50 Delicious Recipes to Feed Your Body and Nourish Your Soul Rena Rossner Nonfiction Elijah and the Rabbis: Story and Theology Kristen H. Lindbeck Nonfiction Eternally Eve: Images of Eve in the Hebrew Bible, Midrash, and Modern Jewish Poetry Anne Lapidus Lerner Nonfiction For the Love of God: The Bible as an Open Book Alicia Suskin Ostriker Nonfiction Good Book: The Bizarre, Hilarious, Disturbing, Marvelous, and Inspiring Things I Learned When I Read Every Single Word of the Bible David Plotz Nonfiction How the Bible Became Holy Michael L Satlow Nonfiction In Scripture: The First Stories of Jewish Sexual Identities Lori Hope Lefkovitz Nonfiction Jacob: Unexpected Patriarch Yair Zakovitch Visual Arts Jewish Artists and the Bible in Twentieth-Century America Samantha Baskind Nonfiction Jonah: A Modern Commentary Leonard S. Kravitz; Kerry M. Olitzky Nonfiction Let There Be Light Howard A. Smith Nonfiction Moses' Women Shera Aranoff Tuchman and Sandra E. Rapoport Nonfiction Moses: A Stranger Among Us Maurice Harris Nonfiction My Jesus Year: A Rabbi's Son Wanders the Bible Belt in Search of His Own Faith Benyamin Cohen Nonfiction Outside the Bible, 3-Volume Set: Ancient Jewish Writings Related to Scripture Louis H. Feldman, James L. Kugel & Lawrence H. Schiffman, eds. Nonfiction Rediscovering Eve: Ancient Israelite Women in Context Carol Meyers Nonfiction Righteous Gentiles in the Hebrew Bible: Ancient Role Models for Sacred Relationships Rabbi Jeffrey K. Salkin Nonfiction Second Chances: Transforming Bitterness to Hope and the Story of Ruth Rabbi Levi Meier Nonfiction Sinning in the Hebrew Bible: How The Worst Stories Speak for Its Truth Alan F. Segal Nonfiction Solomon: The Lure of Wisdom Steven Weitzman Fiction Tainted Hands Larry S. Milner Nonfiction The Bible's Cutting Room Floor Joel Hoffman Visual Arts The Book of Genesis Robert Crumb; Robert Alter, trans. Nonfiction The Book of Job: A Biography Mark Larrimore Nonfiction The Early Prophets: Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings Everett Fox Nonfiction The Grammar of God: A Journey into the Words and Worlds of the Bible Aviya Kushner Jewish Text The Jewish Annotated New Testament: New Revised Standard Version Amy-Jill Levine and Marc Zvi Brettler, eds. Nonfiction The JPS Bible Commentary: Ruth Tamara Cohn Eskenazi and Tikva Frymer-Kensky, eds. Nonfiction The Ladder of Jacob: Ancient Interpretations of the Biblical Story of Jacob and His Children James L. Kugel Nonfiction The Lost Matriarch: Finding Leah in the Bible and the Midrash Jerry Rabow Nonfiction The Natural History of the Bible: An Environmental Exploration of the Hebrew Scriptures Daniel Hillel Nonfiction The Serpent’s Skin: Creation, Knowledge, and Intimacy in the Book of Genesis Marc Klein Nonfiction The Wisdom Books: Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes Robert Alter Nonfiction The Year of Living Biblically A.J. Jacobs Nonfiction Torah Queeries: Weekly Commentaries on the Hebrew Bible Gregg Drinkwater, Joshua Lesser and David Shneer, eds. Nonfiction Unscrolled: 54 Writers and Artists Wrestle with the Torah Roger Bennett, ed. Nonfiction Unusual Bible Interpretations: Ruth, Esther, and Judith Israel Drazin Nonfiction Who's Who in the Jewish Bible David Mandel Nonfiction With All Thine Heart: Love and the Bible Ilan Stavans with Mordecai Drache Nonfiction Wrestling Jacob: Deception, Identity and Freudian Slips in Genesis Shmuel Klitsner Children’s Children's Abraham's Search for God Jacqueline Jules; Natascia Ugliano, illus. Children's Benjamin and the Silver Goblet Jacqueline Jules; Natascia Ugliano, illus. Children's Daniel's Diary: How God Saved Me From the Lions Allia Zobel Nolan; Linda Clearwater, illus. Children's David (Money at its Best: Millionaires of the Bible) Ross Taylor Children's David and Goliath With a Twist: Funny Cliches that Tell the Classic Story Benjie Herskowtiz Nonfiction Esau's Blessing: How the Bible Embraces Those with Special Needs Ora Horn Prouser Children's Genesis–The Book with Seventy Faces: A Guide for the Family Esther Takac; Anna Pignataro, illus. Children's In the Beginning: The Art of Genesis Chuck Fischer, producer; Curtis Flowers, text; Bruce Foster, paper engineer Children's In the Days of Sand and Stars Marlee Pinsker; Francois Thisdale, illus. Children's Jonah’s Whale Eileen Spinelli; Giuliano Ferri, illus. Children's JPS Illustrated Children's Bible Ellen Frankel; Avi Katz, illus. Children's Kings and Carpenters: One Hundred Bible Land Jobs You Might Have Praised or Planned Laurie Coulter; Martha Newbigging, illus. Children's Let My People Go Tilda Balsley; Ilene Richard, illus. Children's Meet at the Ark at Eight Ulrich Hub; Jörg Mühle, illus. Nonfiction Miracles of the Bible Josh Hanft; Seymour Chwast, illus. Children's Naamah and the Ark at Night Susan Campbell Bartoletti; Holly Meade, illus. Children's Noah’s Bark Stephen Krensky; Roge, illus Children's Sarah Laughs Jacqueline Jules; Natascia Ugliano, illus. Children's Solomon and the Ant: And Other Jewish Folktales Retold by Sheldon Oberman; Peninnah Schram, intro. and commentary Children's The Children's Illustrated Jewish Bible Laaren Brown and Lenny Hort; Eric Thomas, illus.; Susan Reuben, ed. Children's The Oldest Bedtime Story Ever Benjamin Morse Children's The Story of Esther: A Purim Tale Eric A. Kimmel; Jill Weber, illus. Children's The Story of Giraffe Ronald Hermsen; Guido Pigni, illus. Children's The Story of Jacob's Travels Alison Greengard; Carol Racklin-Siegel, illus. Children's Three Times Chai: 54 Rabbis Tell Their Favorite Stories Laney Katz Becker Children's We’re All In the Same Boat Zachary Shapiro; Jack E. Davis, illus. Children's When Sarah Laughed Allegra Magrisso; Beth Shadur, illus. Children's With a Mighty Hand: The Story in the Torah Amy Ehrlich, adapter; Daniel Nevins, illus.
Nonfiction Beginnings: Reflections on the Bible's Intriguing "Firsts" Meir Shalev; Stuart Schoffman, trans.
Nonfiction Covenant and Conversation, A Weekly Reading of the Jewish Bible, Genesis: The Book of Beginnings Chief Rabbi Lord Sacks
Nonfiction David and Solomon: In Search of the Bible's Sacred Kings and the Roots of the Western Tradition Israel Finkelstein, Neil Asher Silberman
Cookbook Eating the Bible: Over 50 Delicious Recipes to Feed Your Body and Nourish Your Soul Rena Rossner
Nonfiction Eternally Eve: Images of Eve in the Hebrew Bible, Midrash, and Modern Jewish Poetry Anne Lapidus Lerner
Nonfiction Good Book: The Bizarre, Hilarious, Disturbing, Marvelous, and Inspiring Things I Learned When I Read Every Single Word of the Bible David Plotz
Nonfiction My Jesus Year: A Rabbi's Son Wanders the Bible Belt in Search of His Own Faith Benyamin Cohen
Nonfiction Outside the Bible, 3-Volume Set: Ancient Jewish Writings Related to Scripture Louis H. Feldman, James L. Kugel & Lawrence H. Schiffman, eds.
Nonfiction Righteous Gentiles in the Hebrew Bible: Ancient Role Models for Sacred Relationships Rabbi Jeffrey K. Salkin
Jewish Text The Jewish Annotated New Testament: New Revised Standard Version Amy-Jill Levine and Marc Zvi Brettler, eds.
Nonfiction The Ladder of Jacob: Ancient Interpretations of the Biblical Story of Jacob and His Children James L. Kugel
Nonfiction The Natural History of the Bible: An Environmental Exploration of the Hebrew Scriptures Daniel Hillel
Nonfiction Torah Queeries: Weekly Commentaries on the Hebrew Bible Gregg Drinkwater, Joshua Lesser and David Shneer, eds.
Children's Daniel's Diary: How God Saved Me From the Lions Allia Zobel Nolan; Linda Clearwater, illus.
Children's David and Goliath With a Twist: Funny Cliches that Tell the Classic Story Benjie Herskowtiz
Children's Genesis–The Book with Seventy Faces: A Guide for the Family Esther Takac; Anna Pignataro, illus.
Children's In the Beginning: The Art of Genesis Chuck Fischer, producer; Curtis Flowers, text; Bruce Foster, paper engineer
Children's Kings and Carpenters: One Hundred Bible Land Jobs You Might Have Praised or Planned Laurie Coulter; Martha Newbigging, illus.
Children's Solomon and the Ant: And Other Jewish Folktales Retold by Sheldon Oberman; Peninnah Schram, intro. and commentary
Children's The Children's Illustrated Jewish Bible Laaren Brown and Lenny Hort; Eric Thomas, illus.; Susan Reuben, ed.