
Bagels, Schmears, and a Nice Piece of Fish: A Whole Brunch of Recipes to Make at Home

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2021

Bagel lovers rejoice! This thor­ough-yet-acces­si­ble cook­book demys­ti­fies bagel-mak­ing with just 5 base ingre­di­ents and straight­for­ward tech­niques for mak­ing the dough, shap­ing the bagels, proof­ing, boil­ing, bak­ing, stor­ing, and more. Recipes include two dozen vari­a­tions on the New York bagel, with clas­sic and inno­v­a­tive fla­vors rang­ing from sesame to blue­ber­ry and hatch chile jack, as well as hom­made spreads, schmears, pick­les, and oth­er deli favorites, like home-smoked Nova and smoked white­fish Sal­ad, for max­i­mum graz­ing. Home bak­ers of all lev­els will delight in these reli­able recipes and share them as a host­ess, house-warm­ing, or Yom Kip­pur gift. With sug­gest­ed menus for fun brunch­es and gath­er­ings, pho­tos of fin­ished food and step-by-step tech­niques, and a charm­ing deli aes­thet­ic, this is both a com­pre­hen­sive bak­ing resource and a play­ful guide to mak­ing one of America’s best-loved foods.

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