Athena, goddess of wisdom and just war, patroness of craft; Roman work 2nd c. CE, after Greek original of first half of 4th c. BCE, marble
A Single Woman of Valor
A woman of valor, who can find?
—Proverbs 31:10
Far beyond pearls is my value.
After years of self-doubt, and therapy,
my heart at last trusts in me.
I know I lack no fortune.
I repay my good, and, sometimes,
because like one of my beloved grandmothers
I find it difficult to relinquish grudges, my harm.
I seek out wool and linen
(preferably cashmere, and wrinkle-free),
most willingly.
I am like a merchant’s ships;
from afar, I bring my sustenance.
I rise while it is still nighttime, and
brew coffee for my household.
I consider and I buy.
I work out.
I sense that my enterprise is good
so I sleep well at night.
I spread out my palm to the poor
and extend my hands to the destitute—
not literally, in most cases,
but more typically via tax-deductible contributions
and GoFundMe campaigns.
I fear not snow for my household,
for I live in a large apartment building
and the city plows clear the streets.
Bedspreads I buy on sale;
Lands’ End and TravelSmith are my clothing.
I hope that as I age, smilingly I will await
my last day.
I open my mouth with Wisdom, or so I believe,
and I try, mightily, to remember
my mother’s teaching of kindness,
and to keep it on my tongue,
and in my emails.
I anticipate the needs of my household, so that
there is always food, and bottled water, and toilet paper.
I do like the bread of idleness, though—
if by that you mean “naps.”
I have no children to rise and celebrate me
and no husband to commend me.
Yet I imagine Solomon himself in agreement that
my deeds may still praise at those gates.