Join us for a live watch-par­ty at The Cen­ter for Fic­tion for an online con­ver­sa­tion about Death Val­ley, the newest release from author Melis­sa Broder (Milk FedThe Pisces). Broder brings her dark, exis­ten­tial humor to this thrilling­ly imag­i­na­tive tale about a woman who has fled Cal­i­for­nia — and her sor­rows — for the desert. She enters into a mys­te­ri­ous open­ing in a large cac­tus while on a hike and embarks on an equal­ly hilar­i­ous and poignant jour­ney of self-reflec­tion. Broder is joined by Karah Preiss, co-founder of Bel­letrist, for a con­ver­sa­tion about the inter­sec­tions of grief and humor, and uti­liz­ing imag­i­na­tive, impos­si­ble ele­ments to unlock human truth. After the con­ver­sa­tion, Broder will sign and per­son­al­ize books.

Melis­sa Broder and Karah Preiss will be hav­ing the con­ver­sa­tion vir­tu­al­ly, while a live audi­ence will watch at The Cen­ter for Fiction.

The Ticket/​Voucher option includes a $10 Book­store vouch­er, redeemable toward the fea­tured event book on the night of the event.