Lis­bon: Har­bor of Hope for Jew­ish Refugees

Monday, November 18, 2019


1334 York Ave, New York, NY 10021

Co-Spon­sored with JDC Archives

In this lec­ture, Dr. Kaplan will describe the expe­ri­ence of Jew­ish refugees, most­ly from Ger­many and Aus­tria, as they escaped from Hitler to live in lim­bo in Por­tu­gal. Jew­ish refugees suf­fered anx­i­ety and fear, but also evinced courage and resilience. Helpers includ­ed the very poor and very gen­er­ous Por­tuguese peo­ple, the reluc­tant Por­tuguese gov­ern­ment, and social wel­fare agen­cies, includ­ing the Amer­i­can Jew­ish Joint Dis­tri­b­u­tion Com­mit­tee which sub­si­dized needy refugees, found them shel­ter, and helped them reach safer havens.

We would be delight­ed if you would join us for wine and cheese after the lec­ture. There will also be an option­al tour of the Judaica Col­lec­tion up for auc­tion at Sotheby’s.

This pub­lic lec­ture has been endowed by Jer­ry and Lin­da Spitzer in mem­o­ry of his beloved aunt, Helen Cohen.

Dr. Mar­i­on Kaplan is the Skir­ball Pro­fes­sor of Mod­ern Jew­ish His­to­ry at New York Uni­ver­si­ty. She is a three-time Nation­al Jew­ish Book Award win­ner for The Mak­ing of the Jew­ish Mid­dle Class: Women, Fam­i­ly and Iden­ti­ty in Impe­r­i­al Ger­many (1991), Between Dig­ni­ty and Despair: Jew­ish Life in Nazi Ger­many (1998), and Gen­der and Jew­ish His­to­ry (with Deb­o­rah Dash Moore, 2011) as well as a final­ist for Domini­can Haven: The Jew­ish Refugee Set­tle­ment in Sosua (2008).

Her newest book, Hitler’s Jew­ish Refugees: Hope and Anx­i­ety in Por­tu­gal, 1940 – 45 will be pub­lished by Yale Uni­ver­si­ty Press in 2019. She has edit­ed sev­er­al oth­er books on Ger­man-Jew­ish and women’s his­to­ry and has taught cours­es on Ger­man-Jew­ish his­to­ry, Euro­pean women’s his­to­ry, Ger­man and Euro­pean his­to­ry, Euro­pean Jew­ish his­to­ry, and Jew­ish women’s history.

The event is co-spon­sored by the Jew­ish Book Council.