Ink Bleeds History

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Muse­um of Jew­ish Heritage

36 Bat­tery Place

New York City

The Anne Frank Cen­ter for Mutu­al Respect, Jew­ish Book Coun­cil, and the Muse­um of Jew­ish Her­itage present an evening of dis­cus­sion between graph­ic sto­ry­tellers sub­vert­ing cen­turies of anti­se­mit­ic depic­tions of Jews in car­toons and pro­pa­gan­da by twist­ing those same art forms to tell their own nar­ra­tives of Jew­ish his­to­ry and iden­ti­ty Thurs­day, Novem­ber 3, 2016 begin­ning at 7:00 PM at the Muse­um of Jew­ish Her­itage in New York City.

Mod­er­at­ed by polit­i­cal car­toon­ist Eli Val­ley, Ink Bleeds His­to­ry: Reclaim­ing and Redraw­ing the Jew­ish Image in Comics rep­re­sents a new gen­er­a­tion of artists illus­trat­ing the Jew­ish nar­ra­tive around the world, fea­tur­ing Amy Kurzweil and her mem­oir Fly­ing Couch, the cre­ators of the online fic­tion series Radzyn, and Miri­am Libic­ki on her newest col­lec­tion of graph­ic essays, Toward a Hot Jew.

Join us Thurs­day, Novem­ber 3 for an extra­or­di­nary pan­el, fol­lowed by a book sign­ing recep­tion over­look­ing Lib­er­ty Island in the Muse­um of Jew­ish Her­itage’s Keep­ing His­to­ry Cen­ter in Bat­tery Park. All books will be avail­able for pur­chase at the event.

This event is free and open to the pub­lic, but all guests must reg­is­ter in advance using the form below.