Join Jew­ish Book Coun­cil for an exclu­sive talk with Paper Brigade​’s edi­to­r­i­al direc­tor, Bec­ca Kan­tor, and exec­u­tive edi­tor, Car­ol Kaufman.

Paper Brigade, the annu­al print jour­nal of Jew­ish Book Coun­cil, reflects the Jew­ish lit­er­ary land­scape in Amer­i­ca and abroad. Named in hon­or of the group of writ­ers and intel­lec­tu­als in the Vil­na Ghet­to who res­cued thou­sands of Jew­ish books and doc­u­ments from destruc­tion by the Nazis, it is com­prised of arti­cles, inter­views, fic­tion, poet­ry, and art­work that, togeth­er, under­score the breadth and diver­si­ty of Jew­ish books today.

Ques­tions from par­tic­i­pants are warm­ly encouraged!

Read about the forth­com­ing sev­enth issue and pur­chase your copy here. (JBC mem­bers receive a com­pli­men­ta­ry copy of the issue.)


This event is open to JBC mem­bers only. To register:

1) Become a mem­ber here (if you are already a mem­ber, please go to step 2).

2) Email isadora@​jewishbooks.​org to RSVP

Zoom details and resources will be sent to atten­dees clos­er to the event date.