
The Brides­man

  • From the Publisher
April 8, 2022

From one of the most impor­tant voic­es in con­tem­po­rary Hebrew lit­er­a­ture, the grip­ping sto­ry of a reunion between two fam­i­ly mem­bers that brings back a long-for­got­ten past and reveals secrets that will change their lives forever.

Micha, an Israeli expat in Los Ange­les work­ing as a ghost­writer, receives an unex­pect­ed invi­ta­tion. Adel­la, mar­ried to his beloved uncle, has bought him a tick­et to Israel and booked a bou­tique hotel, so that he can return home and meet with her.

Years before, Micha was the brides­man at Adella’s wed­ding. He remem­bers her as a rebel­lious young woman, and orphan and an out­sider, who was mocked by his close-knit fam­i­ly of Per­sian Jews. Micha is stunned by the Adel­la of today – poised, con­fi­dent, with noth­ing of the uneasy woman he remem­bers from the past. When final­ly Adel­la reveals the true sto­ry of her life, pow­er­ful mem­o­ries resur­face in Micha, although noth­ing can pre­pare him for the sur­prise she has in store for him … 

The Brides­man presents a beguil­ing cast of char­ac­ters, whose sto­ries are inter­wo­ven into a grip­ping and mov­ing tale about fam­i­ly, place, and the unceas­ing pow­er of the past to reshape our lives and identity.

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