Jew­ish Text

Pre­pare My Prayer

Rab­bi Dov Singer

January 13, 2020

Pre­pare My Prayer is a unique attempt to devel­op a ded­i­cat­ed lan­guage for the wor­ship of the heart, the lan­guage of prayer. In a unique style, inspired by recipe books, this vol­ume offers a vari­ety of con­cise and prac­ti­cal recipes for prayer by one of Israel’s most pop­u­lar reli­gious educators.

Discussion Questions

For those for whom reg­u­lar prayer is a strug­gle and for any­one look­ing to sup­ple­ment their prayer prac­tice, Rab­bi Dov Singer’s Pre­pare My Prayer pro­vides a pro­found col­lec­tion that encour­ages the indi­vid­ual to con­sid­er all aspects of prayer and offers tools to enhance prayer through a series of short entries. Singer brings togeth­er pieces that span the Jew­ish canon — from texts from the Tanakh, to halakhic voic­es, to mod­ern Israeli poet­ry — to inspire our jour­ney. And to this list, he adds his own voice. Each entry includes Singer’s own poet­ic mus­ings on the top­ic and, most pow­er­ful­ly, his own list of sug­gest­ed activ­i­ties to make prayer more embod­ied and impact­ful. Work­ing in Israel, Singer is an edu­ca­tor who aims to incor­po­rate Hasidic thinkers into reli­gious dis­course. Pre­pare My Prayer pro­vides an acces­si­ble and com­pelling entrée into his think­ing and has some­thing that will speak to Jews across the reli­gious spec­trum. He side­steps some of the more aca­d­e­m­ic and the­o­ret­i­cal con­sid­er­a­tions when it comes to prayer; instead, he speaks direct­ly to the heart. Any­one who inter­acts with this book will con­sid­er prayer from a renewed angle.