
Oper­a­tion Beth­le­hem: An Espi­onage Thriller 

  • From the Publisher
January 8, 2023

Dis­cov­er a rare glimpse into the secret world of Mossad spies and ter­ror­ists with Oper­a­tion Beth­le­hem, an award-win­ning best-sell­er from Israel. Daniel, an Israeli intel­li­gence oper­a­tive, has a tem­pes­tu­ous per­son­al­i­ty which has led him to lose every­thing. Now, years lat­er, in com­plete secre­cy, Daniel sets out on a pri­vate oper­a­tion to restore mean­ing in his life.

Daniel infil­trates hos­tile ter­ri­to­ry and tries to locate a nation­al trea­sure which is seem­ing­ly hid­den on the site of a psy­chi­atric hos­pi­tal. He pieces togeth­er the clues, delv­ing ever deep­er under­cov­er. So deter­mined is he to uncov­er his per­son­al and nation­al iden­ti­ty that he sud­den­ly finds him­self in grave dan­ger, risk­ing not just him­self but a mis­sion far greater than even he is aware. Beyond the thrills of Daniel’s oper­a­tion, Oper­a­tion Beth­le­hem explores the exis­ten­tial ques­tions and tough deci­sions faced by those respon­si­ble for Israel’s secu­ri­ty, prob­ing the moral com­plex­i­ties of espi­onage and nation­al defense.

Full of unex­pect­ed twists and turns, Oper­a­tion Beth­le­hem doc­u­ments the human real­i­ty behind the James Bond acts of espi­onage, leav­ing you pon­der­ing its com­plex issues long after you turn the final page. So, take a chance to dis­cov­er this provoca­tive and exhil­a­rat­ing nov­el that takes the read­er into the shad­owy under­world of Mossad spies and one’s search for per­son­al redemption.

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