
Nomadic Soul: My jour­ney from the Libyan Sahara to a Jew­ish Life in Los Angeles

  • From the Publisher
January 1, 2013

Nomadic Soul tells the remark­able sto­ry of how the author dis­cov­ered mean­ing depth and com­mu­ni­ty in Judaism. He was born in a tiny vil­lage in the Libyan Sahara into a Sun­ni Mus­lim fam­i­ly with­out elec­tric­i­ty or run­ning water and was lucky to sur­vive his poor Bedouin child­hood. Excelling aca­d­e­m­i­cal­ly, he won a schol­ar­ship that took him to the Unit­ed States, where his hori­zons opened as he began to encounter peo­ple from vast­ly dif­fer­ent nation­al­i­ties and back­grounds. Guid­ed by the mem­o­ry of the love of his mater­nal grand­moth­er and of her teach­ing of tol­er­ance wis­dom and imag­i­na­tion, Ed began his­in­tro­spec­tion and inner trans­for­ma­tion to chal­lenge the pre­cepts of his childhood’s dog­mat­ic cul­ture of mis­trust of Jews. Nomadic Soul is a pow­er­ful and a com­pelling reminder that what­ev­er our cir­cum­stances, we each have the capac­i­ty and pos­si­bil­i­ty for trans­for­ma­tion, for spir­i­tu­al ful­fil­ment, and for cre­at­ing a life beyond our wildest dreams. It is the sto­ry of trust­ing the poten­tial for good­ness inside every human heart, mind, and soul and of encour­ag­ing peo­ple to trust their best incli­na­tion and, in their own ways, to repair our frac­tured world with for­give­ness, tol­er­ance and grat­i­tude –Tekkun Olam

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