According to the author, “Lilith’s Ark is a midrash, a story that grows from the Torah text and the imagination.” Each chapter features a different biblical character— starting with Lilith and Eve and continuing with Sarah, Hagar, Rebekah, Rachel, Leah, Dinah, Tamar and Asenath. After each woman tells her story she places an item in the ark that represents an important aspect of her life. The ark is then passed on to the next generation. The stories are engaging, sensitive and thought provoking, similar to The Red Tent and The Harlot at the Side of the Road, but more appropriately written for teens. For each chapter there are “Discussion Themes”; “Discussion Questions”; a section called” Extending the Exploration,” which guides the reader toward more study and thought, and a section called “A Mother- Daughter Dialogue,” which stimulates meaningful discussions between teens and adults. Also, an extensive discussion guide appears at the end of the book. This book could form the basis for a mother-daughter or parent-teen study group. Each month a different chapter could be read and discussed. The discussion questions encourage participants to share their thoughts and insights, helping teens and adults gain a better understanding of each other. For ages 12 and up.

Lilith’s Ark: Teenage Tales of Biblical Women
- Review
– May 14, 2012
Diane Levin Rauschwerger is librarian for Congregation Beth Am, Los Altos Hills, CA, and has worked as a children’s librarian for the Sunnyvale Public Library. She is the author of a series of children’s picture books, including Dinosaur on Hanukkah, Dinosaur on Passover, and Dinosaur on Shabbat, published by Kar-Ben Publishing.
Discussion Questions

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