
Frayed: The Dis­putes Unrav­el­ing Reli­gious Zionists

Yair Ettinger

  • From the Publisher
January 8, 2023
Reli­gious Zion­ists are an increas­ing­ly influ­en­tial part of Israeli soci­ety, and their influ­ence is felt across the soci­etal spec­trum. They are a sig­nif­i­cant force in almost every sec­tor of Israel, includ­ing the media and legal, mil­i­tary, and finan­cial spheres. Their grow­ing promi­nence, how­ev­er, has cre­at­ed its own set of chal­lenges. Deep ide­o­log­i­cal dis­agree­ments are divid­ing the Reli­gious Zion­ist com­mu­ni­ty from with­in. The polit­i­cal and the­o­log­i­cal glue that once uni­fied the Reli­gious Zion­ist world no longer exists, and ide­o­log­i­cal debates are cre­at­ing the grounds for a pos­si­ble polit­i­cal and social split with­in the Reli­gious Zion­ist com­mu­ni­ty. What are the larg­er ideas that are caus­ing this inter­nal ten­sion? Who are the Reli­gious Zion­ist lead­ers at the fore­front of this divide? Is this a unique­ly Israeli phe­nom­e­non or are there par­al­lel con­flicts in Eng­lish-speak­ing Mod­ern Ortho­dox com­mu­ni­ties across the globe? Frayed ana­lyzes and dis­cuss­es these issues. It takes its read­ers, both reli­gious and sec­u­lar, on an intel­lec­tu­al jour­ney into the world of Reli­gious Zion­ism. The book looks at burn­ing issues such as the role of women in Jew­ish life, the scope of rab­binic author­i­ty, and the impact that the dis­en­gage­ment from Gaza has had on the com­mu­ni­ty’s rela­tion­ship to the state. Along the way, read­ers will get an inside look at the rab­bis, politi­cians, female schol­ars, yeshiv­ot, sem­i­nar­ies, syn­a­gogues, halakhic rul­ings, and inter­net forums that are reshap­ing the face of Reli­gious Zionism.

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