
Days of Ticho: Empire, Man­date, Med­i­cine, and Art in the Holy Land

  • From the Publisher
May 18, 2015

Dr. Avra­ham Albert Ticho was a Vien­nese – trained oph­thal­mol­o­gist who immi­grat­ed to Ottoman – ruled Jerusalem in 1912. There he mar­ried his cousin, the artist Anna Ticho, and togeth­er they made their mark on the his­to­ry of of Israel — pre­served at the Ticho House in Jerusalem ded­i­cat­ed in May 1984 as a down­town annex of the Israel Museum.

Days of Ticho presents the per­son­al his­to­ry of the dynam­ic Tichos against the rich back­drop of the times. Dr. David M. Rei­fler describes the his­to­ry and devel­op­ment of med­i­cine (includ­ing the ear­ly years of Hadas­sah Hos­pi­tal), art, gov­ern­ments, and war; the strug­gles and growth of the Yishuv (the Jew­ish com­mu­ni­ty in Pales­tine); and the con­flicts that arose between Jews and their Arab neigh­bors — includ­ing the near – fatal stab­bing of Dr. Ticho by an Arab would – be assas­sin in Novem­ber 1929, just weeks after wide­spread mur­der­ous riots which occurred through­out Pales­tine. This metic­u­lous­ly doc­u­ment­ed book fur­ther con­tributes to the Tichos’ lega­cy while advanc­ing an under­stand­ing of their times and ours.

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