#antisemitism: Coming of Age During the Resurgence of Hate is a deep dive into how the rise in antisemitism from both the political Left and the Right is impacting the identity development of Jewish Generation Z‑ers. With glimpses into the minds of teens, parents, and educators from across the United States, it explores issues from presenting as Jewish to social media activism, anti-Israel sentiments, and intersectional identities. #antisemitism is a snapshot in time, with long-reaching implications: How will being shaped in a climate of unprecedented antisemitism create a new Jewish future?

#antisemitism: Coming of Age During the Resurgence of Hate
Discussion Questions
#antisemitism is a portrayal of how antisemitism has penetrated social media, academic institutions, and modern society. Samantha Vinokor-Meinrath uses a series of anecdotes to highlight the experience of the generation now coming of age in the United States. The author correctly calls out overt and subtle antisemitism across the political spectrum. The book particularly highlights how the increasing prevalence of antisemitism has personally affected the generation that is developing its Jewish identity. The picture that emerges is both enlightening and frightening. While there are no magic solutions, the first step in trying to overcome the new challenges of an age-old problem is to fairly and comprehensively describe the problem, which Vinokor-Meinrath has accomplished brilliantly in this riveting and readable work.

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