Can a pic­ture say a thou­sand words? When it’s the cov­er of a book, that’s some­times the goal. This past year, design­ers have tak­en on the chal­lenge of dis­till­ing pages of text into a sin­gle image with inge­nu­ity. Beau­ti­ful, reveal­ing, and unfor­get­table, these twelve cov­ers (one for each month of the year!) impressed us in 2021

Jerusalem Beach by Iddo Gefen

Starfish by Lisa Fipps

The Singer and the Sci­en­tist by Lisa Rose, Isabel Muñoz (Illus­tra­tor)

The Pas­sen­ger by Ulrich Alexan­der Boschwitz, Philip Boehm (Trans­la­tor)

Cool for the Sum­mer by Dahlia Adler

The Magi­cian’s Vis­it by Bar­bara Dia­mond Goldin, adapt­ed from a sto­ry by I. L. Peretz, Eva Sánchez Gómez(illus.)

Aquar­i­um by Yaara She­hori, Todd Hasak-Lowy (Trans­la­tor)

What to Miss When by Leigh Stein

Bec­ca Kan­tor is the edi­to­r­i­al direc­tor of Jew­ish Book Coun­cil and its annu­al print lit­er­ary jour­nal, Paper Brigade. She received a BA in Eng­lish from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Penn­syl­va­nia and an MA in cre­ative writ­ing from the Uni­ver­si­ty of East Anglia. Bec­ca was award­ed a Ful­bright fel­low­ship to spend a year in Esto­nia writ­ing and study­ing the coun­try’s Jew­ish his­to­ry. She lives in Brooklyn.