This piece is one of an ongoing series that we will be sharing in the coming days from Israeli authors and authors in Israel.
This piece comes from a writer in the Diaspora as a tribute to his friend Yoni who was killed in Be’eri on October 7.
It is critical to understand history not just through the books that will be written later, but also through the first-hand testimonies and real-time accounting of events as they occur. At Jewish Book Council, we understand the value of these written testimonials and of sharing these individual experiences. It’s more important now than ever to give space to these voices and narratives.
In collaboration with the Jewish Book Council, JBI is recording writers’ first-hand accounts, as shared with and published by JBC, to increase the accessibility of these accounts for individuals who are blind, have low vision or are print disabled.
You killed me
in my kibbutz
of Be’eri.
You came at sunrise
shooting hate
in your cowardly way.
You killed me,
but not my children.
They are alive.
You killed me.
But not my love,
nor my soul.
I am here standing in front of you,
and I still have compassion for you,
for your brainwashed misery.
I am here,
Untouchable to your bullets,
your missiles passing through me,
your rockets cannot bother me
any longer.
I am coming,
you can be certain.
I can move fast.
You cannot see me.
I can get you.
I will not take you down with hate.
I will not take you down with weapons.
I will not take you down with anger.
But I will take you down with love.
With kindness.
And with life.
I will seed your strip.
I will make it a huge forest.
I will bring life to what you kill.
You claimed to fight for Palestine,
but you fight only for your evil aim,
and you must be stopped
once and for all.
I will seed all the tunnels you have built,
so that trees will grow in them,
breaking all the walls of hate
you have constructed.
The roots will grab your weapons
and will crack them down
breaking them in small pieces,
like your spines of vile actions
full of dirty propaganda.
The tree trunks will push you out
and all your hidden quarters
will be broken.
The fruits will smash
onto your heads,
making your brain
and your heart
(yes, you still have one deep inside)
to re-connect.
You are not sure
what is happening,
but this is different
and you know it.
The grass will take over
all the crumbles you have created,
blaming others
as you always do.
The steady bouganvillea
will hug all the souls
of the human shields
you have cowardly used.
The sea will rise
and will take you from the side,
bringing a new beginning
with waves of re-construction.
You cannot see me,
but I am here.
All the Gods are by my side,
you need to bend down now
and become soil.
A soil that will need to bring green life
to more plants and flowers
that are needed everywhere.
The strip will be transformed into a green forest,
a woodland in the surrounding desert,
an oasis of life
and death no more.
All the civilians of the strip,
are now free to move to
the State of Palestine.
The State of Israel is next to it,
and we are all
throwing flowers to one another.
There will be
no more space for hate,
no more space for wars,
no more space for pain.
The strip will become a wonderful oasis,
as a new Jerusalem.
People from everywhere
will gather there
to pray and love.
We will all walk
and pray
and plant
some more.
The strip will be for everyone,
in remembrance
of all the lives that were lost,
and in awe
of what love can do
and transform.
Palm trees,
and water.
The strip will have it all,
and ever
in peace.
The views and opinions expressed above are those of the author, based on their observations and experiences.
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Luca M Damiani is an Artist and University Fellow, focusing his ongoing creative practice and research on disability, neurodiversity, mental health and nature. Luca has a neurological disability (52% impairment of central nervous system function) and has had various visual art books and academic articles published, as well as being exhibited internationally. Luca has worked and collaborated with institutions such as BMJ Medical Humanities, Mozilla, Science Gallery, Computer Arts Society, Amnesty International, BBC, Disney, University of the Arts London, Yale University, TATE, V&A and more.