Posted by Miri Pomerantz Dauber
Every year, through our Jewish Book NETWORK program, we makeshidduchs between over 200 recently published authors and Jewish book programs around the country and help arrange tours for these amazing authors. With Jewish Book Month around the corner (November 2!), we can now share the list of touring authors with you (which includes some of your favorite JBC/MJL guest bloggers). We’re all reading our way through them. The huge range of topics and interests that are covered makes this a great reading list. And if you’re lucky, one of these authors might be coming to your city this fall – check here to see if there’s a NETWORK member site in your area.
Find out more about the Jewish Book NETWORK and how authors or book program/festival coordinators can join.
Miri joined the JBC team in Winter, 2004 upon graduating from Brandeis University. Originally from Philadelphia, she has lived and studied in Israel and London. Prior to working with JBC, she interned for the Jewish Publication Society. After seven years as the director of the JBC Network program, Miri has shifted her focus to book clubs, working to develop resources to better serve book club readers.