Post­ed by Dani Crickman

We’ve seen a graph­ic megillah before, but this is some­thing else.

Ear­li­er today, MyJew­ish­Learn­ing post­ed about Throne of Secrets, a new com­ic book ver­sion of the Purim sto­ry that fol­lows the megillah but isn’t afraid to take artis­tic license.

King Achashverosh is paint­ed as even more lech­er­ous than the usu­al, stab­bing his sol­diers when they dis­please him, and a straight-up sadis­tic humor. Esther is bash­ful and demure, her grand­fa­ther (grand­fa­ther!?) Yair is old, but sage­ly, and Mordechai is — well, not the civ­il, cul­tured Mordechai we’re used to read­ing about …

Read more (and see a page from the book!) here.

Intrigu­ing, right? And the art looks great.

And there’s a movie in the works, too? Fun.