Recent elec­tion results have real­ly got­ten me think­ing about what it means to have pride in your par­tic­u­lar eth­nic­i­ty. Is it pos­si­ble that if the per­son run­ning for pres­i­dent this year was Jew­ish that I would vote for him sole­ly for the fact that he or she is part of my tribe? Yes. What about that makes sense though? Why do we have this fas­ci­na­tion with Judaism that tran­scends just our prac­tices and the foods we eat or when we do or do not go to Syn­a­gogue. Why do we need a Jew­ish Pres­i­dent, a Jew­ish Sen­a­tor, Jew­ish mag­a­zines, Jew­ish orga­ni­za­tions and for that mat­ter, Jew­ish books. Grow­ing up in a reli­gious Ortho­dox home, the Jew­ish books we had around most­ly con­sist­ed of Torah and Gemara texts. Judaism sur­round­ed us, but we still had a firm grip on sec­u­lar soci­ety. Why do I want some­one in office to be Jew­ish? Because he or she under­stands me. They know where I am com­ing from, they know what issues I face when I walk out the door and into the real world. Why do we care about Jew­ish books? For the same rea­sons. They get me, they know what I like, they know what I’m inter­est­ed, and they bring forth to me char­ac­ters that I can relate to. I was read­ing the book The Rabbi’s Daugh­ter by Reva Mann and I felt con­nect­ed to her. Grant­ed I have nev­er done half the things she expe­ri­enced through­out her life, but I was con­nect­ed to her hon­esty. To her doubt­ing the reli­gion, and then com­ing back and real­iz­ing it was worth giv­ing it a try. She is so dif­fer­ent from me but her words came out to me and brought me in. In her sto­ry, Reva, the daugh­ter of a big Rab­bi in Lon­don and grand­daugh­ter of the Chief Rab­bi of Israel finds her­self off the path and makes her way to Israel to find her­self again and live life as an ultra ortho­dox woman. She finds that life is not that easy, and change who you are isn’t so easy. This is worlds apart from some of the oth­er Jew­ish themed books that sit on my desk wait­ing to be read, but that’s what I love about a good Jew­ish book. It is not eas­i­ly defin­able, but when it’s there, it’s there for you.