Need a good read to accom­pa­ny you this win­ter? Well, book no fur­ther: these thir­teen new titles — which cov­er sub­jects like queer­ness across bor­ders, matri­lin­eal ties, and the mak­ing of Super­man—are sure to keep you on your toes, and also off your feet.

The Diaries of Franz Kaf­ka by Franz Kaf­ka; Ross Ben­jamin, trans.

The 12th Com­mand­ment by Daniel Torday

Code Name Sap­phire by Pam Jenoff

My Last Inno­cent Year by Daisy Alpert Florin

Kün­stlers in Par­adise by Cath­leen Schine

Sim­ple Gim­pl: The Defin­i­tive Bilin­gual Edi­tion by Isaac Bashe­vis Singer; Liana Finck, illus.; Saul Bel­low, trans.

The Woman Beyond the Sea by Sar­it Yishai-Levi; Gilah Kahn-Hoff­mann, trans. 

Kyra Lisse is Jew­ish Book Council’s Edi­to­r­i­al Fel­low. She holds a BA in cre­ative writ­ing and Latin from Franklin & Mar­shall Col­lege and an MFA in cre­ative writ­ing from Hollins Uni­ver­si­ty. Her email is kyra@​jewishbooks.​org.