Need a good read to accompany you this winter? Well, book no further: these thirteen new titles — which cover subjects like queerness across borders, matrilineal ties, and the making of Superman—are sure to keep you on your toes, and also off your feet.

The Dressmakers of Prospect Heights by Kitty Zeldis

The Diaries of Franz Kafka by Franz Kafka; Ross Benjamin, trans.

The 12th Commandment by Daniel Torday

Code Name Sapphire by Pam Jenoff

My Last Innocent Year by Daisy Alpert Florin

The American Way: A True Story of Nazi Escape, Superman, and Marilyn Monroe by Helene Stapinski and Bonnie Siegler

At the Hour Between Dog and Wolf by Tara Ison

A Small Sacrifice for an Enormous Happiness: Stories by Jai Chakrabarti

Künstlers in Paradise by Cathleen Schine

Simple Gimpl: The Definitive Bilingual Edition by Isaac Bashevis Singer; Liana Finck, illus.; Saul Bellow, trans.

Rain of Ash: Roma, Jews, and the Holocaust by Ari Joskowicz

The Woman Beyond the Sea by Sarit Yishai-Levi; Gilah Kahn-Hoffmann, trans.

Happily: A Personal History—with Fairy Tales by Sabrina Orah Mark
Kyra Lisse is a writer and editor from the Philadelphia area. Her work has been published in or is forthcoming from Ghost City Review, Sky Island Journal, SWWIM, New Voices, and Assay: A Journal of Nonfiction Studies, among other places. Kyra currently lives in Lancaster, PA.