Golem v. Golem, created by Julie Weitz (Dir. D.S. Chun and Co-Dir. Julie Weitz), 2021, (Photo Credit Alex the Brown)
The Ryte Slide Podcast, hosted by Marky Millor
Welcome back to the Ryte Slide, y’all. Slide on into your seats, grab a beer, and prepare to have your mind blown, once again. I’m your host, Marky Millor, and this is episode forty-six. This week, we’re going to talk about something called “the Golem.”
So, as many of you know, my family is ethnically Jewish.
Not in the Khazar sense.
We’re the real shit. I did DNA testing.
The reason I bring this up is because I’ve recently seen some chatter on the message boards that this thing, the Golem, is, like, in America, so I want to set the record straight about what this thing is, and who it works for. I want to tell you about the Golem’s true history. First off, the Golem doesn’t represent real Jewish Americans. The Golem represents the Globalists, the vast majority of whom are actually Khazarian. It was created by the Rothschilds in 1776, no coincidence, which is something a lot of people don’t know, and I’ve got multiple sources that show that S***s himself was behind funding its recent trip to America. Real shit, it usually lives in an attic in Hungary, which is obviously not a coincidence either, but like I said, there are reports that it’s been spotted recently on these beautiful, beautiful shores.
So, why do I tell you this? Let me tell you a story. I’m a vet, yeah? I served in the IDF. Tactical special weapons division, and also intel, so not something I’m really allowed to talk about on air, but if you DM me, I’ve got plenty of info I think listeners would find helpful. Anyway, I’m proud of my service, but I’m prouder of my great-great grandfather, Abraham P. Millor, who was a soldier in the Confederate Army from 1861 to 1865. One night, during a particularly savage battle the Rebels were this close to winning, and he saw this figure on the horizon, this huge thing that looked like it was made out of like, clay, or mud, or some shit like that, and it was rampaging, destroying our forces, like, literally picking up horses and eating them whole and shit, like have you ever read that commie agitprop kids book by Pete Seeger? Not a coincidence. He told my grandfather, who told me, that it was the Khazars’ Golem, fighting for the treacherous Union, and I recently found a number of sources that back that up. And now that I mention it, this story totally relates to testimonies I’ve heard from Charlottesville, that after the rally, people kept seeing this clay or mud thing, like, creeping around the buildings and stuff. Everything is connected, guys, remember that. Anyway, my great-great was pretty sure, or, like, completely sure, the South would have won if it weren’t for that thing, which claimed to be a Jew, but like I said, hashtag not a real one. And not just that battle, folks: the whole war. And imagine where we’d be then? Anyway, the point is, this thing, this Golem, is not here to represent actual Jewish American interests. It’s been sent to drive a wedge between us and other White American patriots. And we can’t let that happen, right? Because enough of this ZOG shit, y’all. We all know that Israel is America’s truest friend in the fight against Islamo-Leftism, and that we are on the same team. Get your shit together. Judeo-Christian values are our only hope in a time like this. We cannot be eating one another alive. That’s what the Libs do. Like, literally. Like I said, DM me. I’ve got some shit to discuss.
Also, please love me?
I don’t think I can begin to tell you how lonely I am.
Or was.
After Jan Six, I finally felt like I had someone out there, you know?
You all know that feeling, right? Like, I’m not alone anymore. Like, someone hears me, sees me, gets me. Like, I am loved and valued and special. All these idiots in the media take Our King’s words on face value, and these are the same cucks and SJWs who claim to read a bunch of books and shit, they’re all about looking for the subtext, but they’re so busy listening to their own whine-fest that they can’t hear anything three inches past their own noses. You all know what I’m talking about.
You do love me, right?
Please love me.
I want to talk for a second about replacement. I know this is going to be controversial, but I think we maybe should start getting our shit right, like, it’s the S***s and Rothschild Khazars, using things like this Golem, who are working toward that. It is not real Jewish Americans.
Look at my face. I mean, ha, you can’t look at my face, of course, because this is a podcast, but if you could, you would see how truthful I am. I swear to God, and we have the same Judeo-Christian God, right? I swear to God that I am working on the right side. I am not your enemy.
Shit, no, no. Scratch all of this. Scratch the face part, and the love part. I don’t know where I’m going with this. Maybe let’s cut before I said that shit about “love me,” you know I was just kidding, anyway, right? Let’s wrap this episode up. I keep hearing these weird noises.
How about this for an endnote, ahem.
Y’all. One more story before I sign off. I’ve got it on record from multiple sources that, uh, that the wildfires? Our Qomrade was right about that, almost. It was the Rothschild Golem who started them, that’s the only detail she missed. And: also Dominion, obviously. This thing does have computing abilities, not only horse-eating jaws. And you know what Golem stands for, right? “Goal of Lying et Manipulating.”
“Et” as in the French “and,” yeah?
Okay. Alright.
That’s all for this week. Next week, I’ll be back with a very special guest–
Uh, I’m using this room, bro. The door’s locked for a reason.
Can you stop rattling the door handle? I’m recording?
Seriously. Who is–
It’s you.
Marky Millor is the host of the popular podcast The Ryte Side. He was present on Jan 6, but of course didn’t actually go in anywhere or anything, you know? He was just there, like, outside. In spirit. He may or may not have served in the IDF. Details are for cucks. (Marky Millor is also a fictional character invented by author and poet Moriel Rothman-Zecher, as part of the series, What We Talk About When We Talk About the Golem.)