One year ago, the Jewish Book Council launched the 8 Nights of Stories series on The ProsenPeople. For each of the eight nights of Chanukah, the Jewish Book Council set out to help our readers find more stories — to read to children, to share with young adults, and to read on your own after the kids are in bed. For Chanukah 5775, we’re delighted to partner with the writers of Hevria, a new collaborative of Jewish self-identified creators, as guest contributors over the next eight nights.
For the third installment, Hevria contributors Eric Kaplan and Chaya Lester write about the stories they think most worth sharing:
Eric Kaplan

In Ardor, Roberto Calasso writes about ancient texts as if they are postmodern texts, and by so doing lets us see the Vedas as the most intimate writing, like a remembered dream we are afraid to share because we don’t know if it makes sense. He changes your sense of what makes sense and gives you the courage to express thoughts you were afraid to know you had.
Chaya Lester
Introducing the Jewish Harry Potter: The Age of Prophecy by Dave Mason! This Biblical thriller is set in the era not long after King David. The book is exotic and mystic, full of danger, wisdom and intrigue. But it’s for kids. And it’s more educational than any Hebrew School. It’s as fact-based as a doctorate, but with a story-line from a block-buster screen-play. We all want our kids to veggies right…but want them to think its chocolate. That is what this book is. Jewish health-food that tastes like Godiva. And the kicker is that you’ll want to scarf this masterpiece down, too!
View the full Eight Nights of Stories series, in partnership this year with Hevria!
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