Post­ed by Cha­va Lansky

The float­ing house on the cov­er of Ron­na Wineberg’s new nov­el, On Bit­ter­wsweet Place shows the strug­gle and the lack of belong­ing that pro­tag­o­nist Lena Czer­nit­s­ki feels as a Russ­ian Jew­ish immi­grant in Chica­go dur­ing the Jazz Age. The cov­er’s back­drop is a pho­to of Bit­ter­sweet Place, a street on the North­west side of Chica­go, once home to the icon­ic Bur­dick Enam­el Sign Company.

Relat­ed Content

Hail­ing from Amherst, MA, Cha­va Lan­sky is a stu­dent at Barnard Col­lege, where she stud­ies Eng­lish Lit­er­a­ture and Dance, and interns for the Jew­ish Book Council.