Bob­by Fis­ch­er, chess wun­derkind turned out­cast and hate­mon­ger, would have turned eighty last month. He was raised by a sin­gle moth­er in Brook­lyn, strug­gling to make ends meet. He became the G.O.A.T. (“great­est of all time”) in his field, cel­e­brat­ed by mil­lions. He dropped out of school at age six­teen and was, by his own account, a genius who achieved all his goals by the age of twen­ty-nine. He then dis­ap­peared, only to return in very pub­lic celebri­ty melt­downs, spew­ing vicious anti­semitism, despite being Jew­ish him­self. Our graph­ic biog­ra­phy chron­i­cles the cin­e­mat­ic life of Bob­by Fischer.

Excerpt­ed from Black & White: The Rise and Fall of Bob­by Fis­ch­er by Julian Voloj, art by Wag­n­er Willian. © 2023 Pub­lished by Abrams Comi­cArts, April 42023. All Rights Reserved.

Julian Voloj is a New York – based writer whose work has been pub­lished in the New York TimesRolling Stone, the Wash­ing­ton Post, and many oth­er nation­al and inter­na­tion­al pub­li­ca­tions. Born to Colom­bian par­ents in Ger­many, where he stud­ied lit­er­a­ture and lin­guis­tics, Voloj moved to New York in 2004. His fas­ci­na­tion for for­got­ten heroes and hid­den fig­ures stems from his own fam­i­ly his­to­ry and has been a leit­mo­tif in his non­fic­tion graph­ic novels.

Wag­n­er Willian is a comics artist, visu­al artist, writer, and edi­tor. He has won the main awards in the Brazil­ian mar­ket, such as Prêmio Jabu­ti, HQMIX, and Troféu Gram­po de Ouro, and has been pub­lished in France, Por­tu­gal, Ger­many, Spain, the Czech Repub­lic, and Poland. He lives in São Paulo.