Cel­e­brate Jew­ish Book Month with #30days30authors! JBC invit­ed an author to share thoughts on #Jew­Lit for each day of Jew­ish Book Month. Watch, read, enjoy, and dis­cov­er! 

Today, Adam Green­berg, the author of Get Up: The Art of Per­se­ver­ance, tells us about how his grand­fa­ther’s sto­ry inspired him.

If there’s ever a per­son who epit­o­mizes per­se­ver­ance, it’s Adam Green­berg, famous for the one pitch that changed his life for­ev­er. A 92 mile-an-hour first-pitch fast­ball to the back of the head on his major league debut with the Chica­go Cubs gave Adam the record for being one of only two play­ers in his­to­ry to have an offi­cial at-bat with­out ever tak­ing the field. After sev­en years of con­tin­ued hus­tle to get back, Adam signed a one-day con­tract with the Mia­mi Mar­lins in 2012. He was induct­ed into the Nation­al Jew­ish Sports Hall of Fame in 2014. Adam is an All-State native of Con­necti­cut and an All-Amer­i­can stand­out at the Uni­ver­si­ty of North Car­oli­na at Chapel Hill. In 2010, he found­ed the health and well­ness com­pa­ny Lurong Liv­ing, where he enjoys empow­er­ing oth­ers to gain con­trol of their health through a line of dietary sup­ple­ments and nation­wide health chal­lenges. As a proven dynam­ic leader, he also enjoys trav­el­ing the coun­try shar­ing his sto­ry and keys to perseverance.