Posted by Miri Pomerantz Dauber
It’s Jewish book award season! To add to this week’s list of prestigious Jewish book awards, Association of Jewish Libraries just announced the winners of the 2011 Sydney Taylor Book Award and the American Library Association announced the winner of the Sophie Brody Award.
Congrats to Jewish Book NETWORK author Judith Shulevitz for winning the Brody Award for her book, The Sabbath World: Glimpses of a Different Order of Time. It’s part memoir and part a sociological, theological, historical and anthropological exploration of the Sabbath.
The Sydney Taylor Book Award recognizes outstanding books for children and teens that authentically portray the Jewish experience, and is named for the author of the All-of-a-Kind Family series. Gold medals are presented in three categories: Younger Readers, Older Readers, and Teen Readers. Honor Books are awarded silver medals, and Notable Books are named in each category. This year’s winners and Honor Books include a number of this year’s Jewish Book NETWORK authors, including Dana Reinhardt
(The Things a Brother Knows), Sarah Darer Littman (Life, After
), Sarah Gershman (Modeh Ani: A Good Morning Book
), and Susan Lynn Meyer (Black Radishes
). To see a complete list of the Sydney Taylor Book Award winners, go to the AJL blog or watch this short video. Mazal tov to all the winners and honorees!
Miri joined the JBC team in Winter, 2004 upon graduating from Brandeis University. Originally from Philadelphia, she has lived and studied in Israel and London. Prior to working with JBC, she interned for the Jewish Publication Society. Miri now works on a variety of programs including JBC Book Clubs, author coaching for JBC Network, Natan Notable Books, among others. Miri lives in Manhattan with her husband, Jeremy Dauber, and their three kids.