Post­ed by Amalia Kaufman

Cel­e­brate July 4th with these titles focused on Amer­i­can Jew­ish life:

 1. Lib­er­ty of Con­science: In Defense of America’s Tra­di­tion of Reli­gious Equal­i­ty (Martha C. Nuss­baum)
2. A Land of Big Dream­ers: Voic­es of Courage in Amer­i­ca (Neil Wald­man)
3. Amer­i­can Jew­ish His­to­ry: A JPS Guide (Nor­man H. Finkel­stein)
4. America’s Prophet: Moses and the Amer­i­can Sto­ry (Bruce Feil­er)
5. A Time­less Peo­ple: Pho­to Album of Amer­i­can Jew­ish Life (Saul H. Lan­da)
6. Amer­i­can Pres­i­dents, Reli­gion and Israel (Paul Charles Merkley
7. Amer­i­can Jewry’s Com­fort Lev­el: Present and Future (Man­fred Ger­sten­feld and Steven Bayme, eds.)
8. From Haven to Home: 350 Years of Jew­ish Life in Amer­i­ca (Michael Grun­berg­er, ed.)
9. Hen­ry Ford’s War on Jews and the Legal Bat­tle Against Hate Speech (Vic­to­ria Sak­er Woeste)
10. Blas­phe­my: How the Reli­gious Right is Hijack­ing our Dec­la­ra­tion of Inde­pen­dence (Alan Der­showitz)