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Jason Myers Jason Myers is a writer whose work has appeared in AGNI, BOOKFORUM, and Tin House. Reviews Poetry Strange Nursery: Poems Esther Schor Poetry In Beauty Bright Gerald Stern Poetry Ghazal-Mazal Linda Stern Zisquit Poetry Breathing in the Dark Howard Schwartz Poetry The Book of Life: Selected Jewish Poems, 1979 – 2011 Alicia Suskin Ostriker Fiction Lipshitz Six, or Two Angry Blondes T Cooper Nonfiction The Life of the Skies Jonathan Rosen Poetry “A” Louis Zukofsky Poetry War and Love, Love and War Aharon Shabtai; Peter Cole, trans. Poetry Domain of Perfect Affection Robin Becker Poetry From the Fever-World Jehanne Dubrow Poetry News of the World Philip Levine Poetry The Book of Seventy Alicia Ostriker