
Won’t Be Silent — Don’t Stop til It Mat­ters: Embrac­ing my super­pow­ers of humor and opti­mism to sur­vive being sec­ond-gen­er­a­tion Holo­caust, com­ing out, addic­tion, and end­less unbe­liev­able obstacles

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2023

In his debut mem­oir, Won’t Be Silent — Don’t Stop Til It Mat­ters, Abe Gurko invites you to join him in cel­e­brat­ing a life he calls final­ly worth liv­ing.” It’s an hon­est, rol­lick­ing ride filled with joy­ous and life-affirm­ing as well as daunt­ing sit­u­a­tions that he nav­i­gates with aplomb, though not always. 

Abe’s bohemi­an odyssey kicks off in the dregs of New Jer­sey, sashays through the vel­vet ropes of Stu­dio 54, ric­o­chets to and from Hol­ly­wood, comes out at the Guc­ci store in Flo­rence, and mean­ders through Mex­i­co, Ams­ter­dam, and halfway to heav­en (or was it hell?) and back. 

Armed with a razor-sharp wit, Abe has embraced the uncan­ny instincts and DNA passed down by par­ents who sur­vived the Holo­caust. Their lega­cy becomes his badge of hon­or and serves as a trib­ute to them. It also gives him the for­ti­tude and courage to rise from set­backs and heart­breaks. It’s an hon­est, rol­lick­ing ride filled with joy­ous and life-affirm­ing as well as daunt­ing sit­u­a­tions that he nav­i­gates with aplomb, though not always.

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