
Why Did I Just Eat That?: How To Let Go of Emo­tion­al Eat­ing and Heal Your Rela­tion­ship with Food

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2023

Why Did I Just Eat That? How to Let Go of Emo­tion­al Eat­ing and Heal Your Rela­tion­ship with Food is a guide to repair­ing that often tumul­tuous rela­tion­ship with food. Start­ing with a brisk look at the bio-evo­lu­tion­ary ori­gins of our mod­ern eat­ing issues, then mov­ing on to self-diag­nos­tic quizzes, real-life case stud­ies, and proven-effec­tive exer­cis­es, Why Did I Just Eat That? empow­ers read­ers to make con­scious, pos­i­tive choic­es about their eat­ing habits. It’s not anoth­er diet book — it’s a com­pre­hen­sive roadmap toward a more pos­i­tive way of eat­ing and being for those seek­ing last­ing change in their rela­tion­ship with both food and their bodies.

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