
Where the Heav­ens Kiss the Earth

  • From the Publisher
May 16, 2017
Where the Heav­ens Kiss th Earth” is a com­pre­hen­sive, trans­for­ma­tive, enlight­en­ing book that reveals the deep­est mys­ter­ies of life in an enter­tain­ing, user-friend­ly way. The pur­pose of life, fate, des­tiny, free-will and a grand plan, the spir­i­tu­al uni­vers­es, body and soul, and more, are explained from the per­spec­tive of the great Kab­bal­ists, elu­ci­dat­ed with analo­gies, metaphos and sto­ries that open us up to the pro­fun­di­ty of these topics.Through the eyes of the mys­ti­cal wis­dom, we can final­ly get a han­dle on the inner work­ings of our world, our being and how to attain hap​pi​ness​.At the end of each chap­ter, Rab­bi Ing­ber brings the­o­ry into action with exer­cis­es and prac­ti­cal appli­ca­tions to trans­form these life enhanc­ing ideas into our dai­ly reality.This book is sure to enlight­en your mind, inspire your heart and awak­en your soul.

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