
When the Cypress Whispers

  • From the Publisher
May 22, 2014

A rich­ly told debut nov­el about one young wom­an’s jour­ney to Greece for her wed­ding. The daugh­ter of Greek immi­grants, Daphne aspires to the Amer­i­can Dream yet feels as if she’s been sleep­walk­ing through life. Caught between her fam­i­ly’s old-world tra­di­tions and the demands of a mod­ern career, she can­not seem to find her place. Only her beloved grand­moth­er on the mag­i­cal Greek island Erik­ousa knows her heart. With a grow­ing rep­u­ta­tion as a chef in New York, and a wealthy fiance who will become a father to her daugh­ter Evie, Daphne seems to be liv­ing her dream. But across the ocean, her grand­moth­er can see through the sto­ry­book per­fec­tion of Daph­ne’s new life and she is now call­ing her back. She has lessons to teach and secrets about the past to share, includ­ing that of the brav­ery and loy­al­ty she and her fel­low islanders showed dur­ing World War II, where a whole vil­lage had the courage to risk their lives and help a fam­i­ly of Cor­fu Jews.

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