
Wages of Empire

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2023

In the sum­mer of 1914, Evan Sin­clair yearns to escape the con­straints of liv­ing with his father and leaves home to join the Great War for Civ­i­liza­tion. Lit­tle does he know that, despite the war rag­ing in Europe, the true source of con­flict will emerge in Ottoman Pales­tine, since it’s from Jerusalem where Kaiser Wil­helm II dreams of rul­ing as Holy Roman Emper­or with domin­ion over Ara­bi­an oil reserves and with an eye to pro­mote Ger­man- Nordic racial suprema­cy through­out the world. 

Filled with real peo­ple from the pages of his­to­ry such as Chaim Weiz­mann, Ash­er Gins­berg (Achad Ha’am), Faisal bin Hus­sein, Gertrude Bell, TE Lawrence, as well as fic­tion­al char­ac­ters includ­ing a shad­owy group of Jerusalem’s Tem­ple Mount guardians, Wages of Empire fol­lows Evan as he embarks on a jour­ney that will bring him into the killing fields of the West­ern Front where he will help turn the tide of a war that is just begin­ning, and become part of a sto­ry still being told in the head­lines of dai­ly news­pa­pers around the world.

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