
Unstuff your Life! 2nd Edi­tion: Kick the Clut­ter Habit & Com­plete­ly Orga­nize your Life for Good

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2023

Fre­quent­ly called the most orga­nized man in Amer­i­ca,” sought-after orga­niz­er and train­er Andrew Mellen has cre­at­ed unique, last­ing tech­niques for stream­lined liv­ing, bring­ing order out of chaos for the chron­i­cal­ly over­whelmed every­where. Acknowl­edg­ing that it’s often the stuff behind the stuff ” that holds peo­ple back, Mellen offers a sur­pris­ing­ly sim­ple, yet effec­tive solu­tion in his step-by-step guide, guar­an­teed to help achieve orga­ni­za­tion­al bliss for every­one from per­pet­u­al key-mis­plac­ers to hard-core hoard­ers. From base­ment to bed­room, kitchen to car, and into every cor­ner of life, Mellen’s sys­tem yields last­ing results.

Dis­cov­er how to:
• Nev­er lose your keys, wal­let or cell phone again 
• Stop mail, mag­a­zine, and paper pile­ups for good 
• Feel empow­ered to tack­le bills and bud­gets 
• Reclaim space and time once dom­i­nat­ed by clut­ter

Built on the prin­ci­ple that we must dis­tin­guish our­selves from our pos­ses­sions, Unstuff Your Life! starts with tru­ly achiev­able goals and works toward the night­mare projects every­one tries hard to avoid. With humor, hon­esty, tough love, and fool­proof advice, Mellen makes it easy to final­ly let go and embrace the declut­tered life.

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