
Tut­ti’s Promise

  • From the Publisher
May 16, 2017

In the ear­ly 1930s, life for the Jews is on the brink of ruin: Hitler has come to pow­er, and the gold­en mem­o­ries of hap­py times are fad­ing fast.

One young cou­ple, Mar­gret and Heinz Licht­en­stern, decide to flee Ger­many with their par­ents and daugh­ter, Tut­ti. They move to Ams­ter­dam, where Heinz is able to con­tin­ue his work … and where there seems to be hope for the future. But then Ger­many invades the Nether­lands. And in the pre-dawn hours of May 10, 1940, the Licht­en­sterns sud­den­ly learn that they have not moved far enough.

This is the true sto­ry of what the Licht­en­sterns endured under the Nazis. Told by Tut­ti’s daugh­ter, Hei­di, and filled with his­tor­i­cal doc­u­ments and pho­tos, it vivid­ly recre­ates how one fam­i­ly con­quered fear and heart­break to sur­vive. Theirs is a tale of both unimag­in­able dev­as­ta­tion and lucky sur­pris­es — raids, sab­o­tage, help­ful friends and strangers, and a very spe­cial gift.

One fam­i­ly. One remark­able sto­ry. And in the end … a promise kept.

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