Architecture is a combination of form and function. Sometimes that function is religious or political, or both. Sometimes the function changes. A single structure on Mt. Zion contains the traditional site of David’s Tomb as well as the the traditional site of the Last Supper, which itself has been a synagogue, a church, a mosque, and once again a church. Another building in the Russian Compound in Jerusalem was originally a hostel for Russian Orthodox pilgrims and became, during the British Mandate, a prison for captured members of the Jewish Underground. Both sites are architecturally beautiful. For twenty-five years, Chaim and Yonnah, a husband and wife artist collaboration, have been recording and painting the history of Israel through these architectural elements. Some are preserved; some no longer exist. The book is arranged geographically with a historical introduction to each region. Israel is a crossroads of many civilizations; each leaving its mark. As it says in the Bible, several times, “Do not remove the ancient landmark.” This long-term project and book strive to honor that precept.

Visual Arts
Touching on Place: Architectural Elements in Israel
- From the Publisher
March 29, 2018
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