
To See God

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2021

Nicky and Kal Covo, broth­er and sis­ter raised in a Sephardic Jew­ish home in Saloni­ca, Greece, were sep­a­rat­ed by the Holo­caust, as their fam­i­ly sent them into hid­ing from Nazis. They have been reunit­ed in 1990, 47 years after their sep­a­ra­tion. Kal has lived in a wom­an’s monastery for decades; she is a devout Greek Ortho­dox nun called Sis­ter Theodo­ra. The main action of the nov­el evolves from Sis­ter Theodor­a’s vision — which she believes is from G‑d — that her Black sev­en-year-old grand­nephew in Amer­i­ca, Nick­y’s grand­son, is the Sec­ond Com­ing of Jesus. Sis­ter Theodo­ra must trav­el to Amer­i­ca, con­vinced she has a mis­sion to help young Jack­ie Covo — being raised in an Ortho­dox Jew­ish fam­i­ly — rec­og­nize who he real­ly is. In the midst of oth­er fam­i­ly issues — a cus­tody bat­tle between Jack­ie’s par­ents, a wed­ding – Sis­ter Theodo­ra ulti­mate­ly accepts that she has mis­tak­en­ly under­stood God’s plan: that she devel­op a lov­ing rela­tion­ship with her firm­ly Jew­ish grandnephew.

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