
This is the Year I Put My Finan­cial Life in Order

  • From the Publisher
March 29, 2018

John Schwartz used to think he’d grow up to be a finan­cial maven. At 13, he put his bar mitz­vah mon­ey into IBM. Soon after, the stock tanked, and John real­ized he was no mon­ey genius. Flash for­ward to his late 50s, and he had­n’t got­ten much smarter: He had no idea whether he and his wife had enough saved for a com­fort­able retire­ment, or whether there was enough life insur­ance. They did­n’t even have a will!

He set out to final­ly learn about mon­ey, and real­ized that while many of us avoid think­ing about it, finan­cial plan­ning can be learned, like just about any­thing else. Part finan­cial mem­oir and part research-based guide to attain­ing life­long secu­ri­ty, This Is the Year I Put My Finan­cial Life in Order is the book that every­one who has nev­er want­ed to read a preachy finan­cial guide has been wait­ing for. No mat­ter what your age, sit­u­a­tion, or sta­tus, This Is the Year I Put My Finan­cial Life in Order will help you become your own best finan­cial adviser.

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