
Things That Cause Inap­pro­pri­ate Happiness

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2023

In these bril­liant sto­ries, Dani­la Botha observes with her sig­na­ture vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty and humor what it’s like to strug­gle to find your place in the world. From the bul­lied twelve-year-old (Born, Not Made) to the musi­cian saved from sleep­ing in door­ways (Blast­ing Mol­ly Rock­ets), to the sculp­tor who builds a golem and ful­fills her Holo­caust sur­vivor grandmother’s wish to pro­tect her sis­ter (Able to Pass) to a stu­dent who over­dos­es on opi­ates and meets an adult Anne Frank (Like An Alli­ga­tor Eye­ing a Small Fish), these sto­ries pulse with Botha’s sig­na­ture empa­thy and orig­i­nal­i­ty. Botha also address­es what it means to be Jew­ish, with char­ac­ters who rethink their whole iden­ti­ty (Soul­mates) to those who hold on at all costs (Dark and Lilac Fairies). As in her pre­vi­ous col­lec­tion, the Tril­li­um and Vine nom­i­nat­ed For All the Men (and Some of the Women) I’ve Known, Things that Cause Inap­pro­pri­ate Hap­pi­ness will make you laugh and cry, but above all, it will make you feel less alone.

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