
The Winthrop Agreement

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2021

Young Rivkah Mil­manovitch arrives in New York expect­ing to be met by her fiancé, who nev­er shows. Resilient and plucky — and preg­nant — she makes her way to the Low­er East Side ten­e­ment inhab­it­ed by rel­a­tives from the Old World and gives birth to a daugh­ter. While one might expect the girl to fol­low in her moth­er’s foot­steps at the sweat­shop, her for­tune quick­ly changes when she is spot­ted by a rich uptown­er, a Mr. Winthrop, who wines and dines her until his atten­tions shift else­where, leav­ing her in trou­ble and all alone.

But Miri­am is no vic­tim. With the advice of her beloved aunt and a healthy dose of old-fash­ioned mox­ie, Miri­am refash­ions her­self as Mimi and becomes an inter­na­tion­al sen­sa­tion as a design­er. Yet the past will not stay buried as she works to uncov­er the mys­te­ri­ous truth about this nefar­i­ous, wealthy family.

Part his­to­ry, part romance, with a shim­mer of the goth­ic,The Winthrop Agree­ment is a spell­bind­ing tale of a plucky hero­ine who will entrance Bridger­ton and his­tor­i­cal fans.

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