
The Watch­mak­er’s Daughter

  • From the Publisher
April 30, 2012
The Watchmaker’s Daugh­ter, a mem­oir, is the defin­i­tive, inspir­ing view of the author’s binoc­u­lar life as the Amer­i­can child of Ortho­dox, Yid­dish-speak­ing con­cen­tra­tion camp sur­vivors. In it, she is adult and child, daugh­ter and moth­er – but always the inspired inter­preter of her spe­cial his­tor­i­cal lega­cy. Sonia Taitz is born into a world in which the Holo­caust is dis­cussed con­stant­ly by her par­ents. She soon learns that she is named after no less than three dead rel­a­tives, her pater­nal grand­moth­er (Sonia Taitz) and her mother’s two younger broth­ers, from which her mid­dle name, Judith, is derived. She also learns that her father was a hero at Dachau, sav­ing the lives of oth­er pris­on­ers as the camp watch­mak­er. This lega­cy, com­bined with her pas­sion and intel­li­gence, leads the author to forge an adven­tur­ous life in which she seeks to heal both her par­ents and her­self through trav­el, world­ly achieve­ment, and a dar­ing love affair.

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