The Conservative movement is at a crossroad in its direction. What better time then for a serious exploration of the nature of halakha in the Conservative movement? In this work, Rabbi Dorff introduces us to legal theory in general, then guides the reader through the development of ancient Jewish law and generations of the Conservative movement’s thinking on the subject. Reflecting the plurality and range of opinions within the movement, this book presents the Jewish legal theories of thinkers such as Frankel, Kaplan, Schechter, Heschel, and many others (including the writer’s own theory). He contrasts the movement’s thinking to that of the Reform and Orthodox movements. This book, which is highly recommended for adult and college study groups and courses, is replete with ancient and modern texts to support the various viewpoints presented. Biblio., index, notes.

The Unfolding Tradition
- Review
– May 21, 2012
Rabbi Arnold D. Samlan is a Jewish educator and rabbi living in Miami, Florida. He serves as executive director of the Orloff Central Agency for Jewish Education of Broward County.
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