A gripping historical tale of greed, ambition, and family ties from bestselling author Samantha Greene Woodruff. In roaring ’20s Manhattan, Bea Abramovitz is a young Jewish woman with a talent for math and an uncanny understanding of the stock market. Bea dreams of working as a broker on Wall Street and her smarts and tenacity land her an interview at the famous House of Morgan, in the new Ladies Department, a division created to manage female clientele. What she doesn’t know is that those jobs are reserved for well-to-do girls from society families, not poor immigrants from the Lower East Side. Instead, she is sent to the basement, where she gets hired for a clerical position in the Wire Department. She yearns to put her uncanny stock-picking skills to better use, but the male-dominated world of Wall Street won’t accept her. When her twin brother Jake returns home after losing everything in a Ponzi scheme out west, Bea sees her opportunity: he’ll get the job on Wall Street, and she’ll pick the stocks. With Bea’s help, Jake’s star swiftly rises at National City Bank. As the decade draws to a close, everyone else is celebrating the country’s new state of “permanent prosperity” but Bea sees signs of a crash looming. Will she be able to convince her brother, or anyone else, that what she’s seeing is real in time to save her family before it is too late?
The Trade Off
- From the Publisher
September 1, 2023
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