
The Sto­ries We Can­not Tell

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2023

The Sto­ries We Can­not Tell is a con­tem­po­rary nov­el about the emo­tion­al jour­ney of two women. 

Rachel is a thir­ty-year-old mar­ried, Jew­ish woman who’s want­ed a baby for a long time. Katie’s a thir­ty-two-year-old sin­gle, Catholic woman who has been try­ing to find a man who’ll stick around. 

We fol­low the women indi­vid­u­al­ly as they find them­selves preg­nant, Rachel hap­pi­ly, Katie, not. As they enter their sec­ond trimester, they’re shocked to hear that there’s some­thing wrong with the babies they’re car­ry­ing. The women meet in a sup­port group and help each oth­er through not only the excru­ci­at­ing deci­sion they need to make, but through the issues that come with mak­ing that deci­sion.

These strong women become fast friends as they gain strength from each oth­er and form a tight bond, uncov­er­ing sur­pris­ing con­nec­tions. 

The Sto­ries We Can­not Tell is an inspi­ra­tional, and heart­warm­ing saga that explores rela­tion­ships, preg­nan­cy, love, hope, and family.

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