
The Song of Vengeance: The Dyb­buk Scrolls Book 2

  • From the Publisher
March 29, 2018

It has been near­ly two years since the events in The Song of Hadari­ah, and Car­rie has adjust­ed to life as a uni­ver­si­ty stu­dent far from her friends. How­ev­er, when the path to Hadari­ah is sealed, she starts to fear malev­o­lent forces may be behind the oth­er strange occur­rences around her. Try­ing to con­tact Lind­say and Rebec­ca for help in unrav­el­ing the mys­tery, Car­rie dis­cov­ers that her friends are miss­ing. With no way of know­ing who to trust, Car­rie must find a way back to the land she once saved to res­cue her friends from the dyb­buks’ clutches. 

Reunit­ing with the dyb­buk princess Emil­ia and find­ing a new friend in the mys­te­ri­ous farmer Mikhail, Car­rie once again bat­tles Asmodeus’s forces to save Lind­say and Rebec­ca and stop the chaos that threat­ens to over­take Hadari­ah. For the first time, how­ev­er, Car­rie is with­out the two friends who have helped her through every major deci­sion in her life. She must learn to rely on her­self and find her own strength to save those she holds dear.

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