
The Sequel

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2023

After the insane­ly read­able” (Stephen King) and per­fect­ly told” (Mal­colm Glad­well) New York Times best­seller, The Plot, comes Jean Hanff Korelitz’s equal­ly cap­ti­vat­ing new nov­el: The Sequel. Anna Williams-Bon­ner has tak­en care of busi­ness. That is to say, she’s tak­en care of her hus­band, best­selling nov­el­ist Jacob Finch Bon­ner, and laid to rest those anony­mous accu­sa­tions of pla­gia­rism that so tor­ment­ed him. Now she is liv­ing the con­tent­ed life of a lit­er­ary wid­ow, enjoy­ing her husband’s roy­al­ty checks in per­pe­tu­ity, but for the sec­ond time in her life, a work of fic­tion inter­cedes, and this time it’s her own debut nov­el, The After­word. After all, how hard can it real­ly be to write a uni­ver­sal­ly laud­ed best­seller? But when Anna pub­lish­es her book and indulges in her own lit­er­ary acclaim, she begins to receive anony­mous mes­sages, taunt­ing her with her past. That is: her real past. Some­one out there knows her ori­gins, but what do they want? And how far will they go to expose her? She has come too far, and worked too hard, to lose what she val­ues most: the sole and uncon­test­ed right to her own sto­ry. And she is, after all, a mas­ter sto­ry­teller. With her sig­na­ture wit and sar­don­ic humor, Jean Hanff Korelitz’s The Sequel gives read­ers an anti­hero to root for while illu­mi­nat­ing and sat­i­riz­ing the world of pub­lish­ing in this deli­cious­ly fun and sus­pense­ful read.

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