
The Real Mrs. Tobias

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2021

It’s 2015 in New York City, and three women all known as Mrs. Tobias — Veroni­ka, the matri­arch, her daughter­in­law Mel, and Mel’s daughter­in­law Birdie — are try­ing to nav­i­gate per­son­al dif­fi­cul­ties, some of which are with one anoth­er. Veroni­ka and Mel, despite hav­ing lit­tle in com­mon, are both psy­chother­a­pists who are more skilled at help­ing oth­er peo­ple than solv­ing their own prob­lems. Birdie, still deal­ing with the cul­ture shock of mov­ing to New York City and mar­ry­ing into the Tobias clan, is pushed to her lim­it when her hus­band gets into trou­ble. No amount of badger­ing from his steely grand­moth­er, smart­mouthed moth­er, or dis­il­lu­sioned wife can con­vince him to own up to what he’s done. Over­whelmed, Birdie bolts to her Mid­west­ern home­town, hop­ing that space, warmth and wis­dom from her own feisty grand­moth­er will help her find a path for­ward. And though Birdie begins to find com­fort in un­expected places, her absence stirs up long sim­mer­ing trou­bles back home forc­ing Tobi­as­es to recon­sid­er their rela­tion­ships with each oth­er, and ulti­mate­ly, what it means to be family.

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