
The Ratio­nal Bible: Exo­dus: God, Slav­ery, and Freedom

  • From the Publisher
March 30, 2018

Why do so many peo­ple think the Bible, the most influ­en­tial book in world his­to­ry, is out­dat­ed? Why do our friends and neigh­bors – and some­times we our­selves – dis­miss the Bible as irrel­e­vant, irra­tional, immoral, or all of these things? This expla­na­tion of the Book of Exo­dus, the sec­ond book of the Bible, will demon­strate that the Bible is not only pow­er­ful­ly rel­e­vant to today’s issues, but com­plete­ly con­sis­tent with ratio­nal thought.

Do you think the Bible per­mit­ted the trans-Atlantic slave trade? You won’t after read­ing this book.

Do you strug­gle to love your par­ents? If you do, you need this book.

Do you doubt the exis­tence of God because belief in God is irra­tional?” This book will give you rea­son after rea­son to rethink your doubts.

The title of this com­men­tary is, The Ratio­nal Bible” because its approach is entire­ly rea­son-based. The read­er is nev­er asked to accept any­thing on faith alone. As Prager says, If some­thing I write does not make ratio­nal sense, I have not done my job.”

The Ratio­nal Bible is the fruit of Den­nis Prager’s forty years of teach­ing the Bible to peo­ple of every faith, and no faith. On vir­tu­al­ly every page, you will dis­cov­er how the text relates to the con­tem­po­rary world and to your life.

His goal: to change your mind – and then change your life.

Discussion Questions